


The present terms and conditions apply to the access and use made from this website. By using this website, you (the “user”) agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in this legal notice.

This website is the property of the corporation Les Solutions Enovert Inc.


Les Solutions Enovert Inc. reserves its rights to amend at all times and at its entire discretion the terms and conditions set forth in this legal notice. Any amendment shall take effect as of its publication.

No guarantee is given with regards to the accuracy of any information or content on this website. All information is provided only for reference purposes. Les Solutions Enovert Inc. recommends that all users regularly review this legal notice in order to gain knowledge of any amendment.


Les Solutions Enovert Inc. offers to users of the website exclusive content relating to the promotion of EV & “smart” projects for which it is the contractor. Moreover, Les Solutions Enovert Inc. offers through its website a platform through which any client, past or future, may communicate directly in writing with us to ask any question or make any comment with regards to use of the website, EV & “smart” construction.


All of the content (information, publications, images, logos, icons, etc.) on this website is the exclusive property of Les Solutions Enovert Inc., its affiliates, related persons or third parties who have granted the foregoing licences and may not be used, copied, distributed, posted or sold in any manner whatsoever without Les Solutions Enovert Inc. prior written authorization. All of the content on this website is protected by the applicable laws of Canada with regards to copyrights.

Users are only allowed to download and print content for personal, not commercial, purposes. Downloading and printing content does not explicitly or implicitly grant users any licence or any other right.

The trademarks visible on this website (including written and visual aspects) are the exclusive property of Les Solutions Enovert Inc., its affiliates, related persons or third parties who have granted the foregoing licences and may not be used, copied or imitated without Les Solutions Enovert Inc. prior written authorization and are protected by Canadian laws with regards to trademarks.


This website may contain links or redirections to third party websites. Any such link or redirection to third party websites on this website is provided solely for convenience purposes and to make the website user friendly. Les Solutions Enovert Inc. is not responsible for the content of any third-party website accessible through any such link or redirection. The present legal notice does not apply to the use of third-party websites. Les Solutions Enovert Inc. cannot guaranty the accuracy, validity, truth or reliability of the content on such websites. Les Solutions Enovert Inc. does not approve or validate the information, products or services proposed by third party websites. Any access or use of third-party websites is made at the users’ own risks.


Except for gross negligence or willful misconduct, Les Solutions Enovert Inc. shall not be held liable for any material damages or other losses whatsoever resulting from access or use of this website, downloading of any content or preclusion from using this website. It is the responsibility of this website’s user to take the necessary precautions before accessing, using or downloading content from this website.

Les Solutions Enovert Inc. makes no representation and gives no guarantee that the information, elements or links to which the user has access on this website are free from errors, defects, viruses or other damaging elements.

The user uses the present website at his/her own risk and peril.


Les Solutions Enovert Inc. does not undertake to reply to all users who have sent a request via the contact platform within any deadline. Les Solutions Enovert Inc. may also, on its own and at its entire discretion, decide not to reply to any such request that it deems abusive, excessive, obscene, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate.


The use of this website is subject to the collection, use, storage and communication of personal information relating to users. User consent is therefore required for the use of this website.

If the user disagrees with the present section or does not consent to the collection, use, storage and communication of his/her personal information, he/she must stop using this website immediately.


Les Solutions Enovert Inc. may itself collect some personal information relating to users including their name, address, email and telephone number. Les Solutions Enovert Inc. may, acting reasonably, collect any other user personal information for the purposes set forth in this legal notice.

Les Solutions Enovert Inc. will see to it that user personal information is updated upon each use of the website following the initial collection to avoid the use of inaccurate or inappropriate personal information.

By using this website and agreeing to the present legal notice and confidentiality policy, users consent to the collection of their personal information by Les Solutions Enovert Inc. for the following purposes:

  • For construction or implementation of “smart” devices and electric vehicle “EV” charging stations
  • For the purchase or rental “smart” or EV equipment
  • For making appointments;
  • To reply to user questions;
  • For the performance of any other service offered by Les Solutions Enovert Inc.;
  • To personalize the use of this website;
  • To improve this website;
  • To ensure the enforcement of the present legal notice and confidentiality policy;
  • For promotional purposes by Les Solutions Enovert Inc. including but not limited to updating, improving, selling, offering, marketing or renting “smart” or EV products or related projects by Les Solutions Enovert Inc., its affiliates or related persons.


Les Solutions Enovert Inc. will store user personal information on a server it owns located in Canada. Les Solutions Enovert Inc. covenants to protect the confidentiality of the personal information, among other things by using servers that comply with applicable hardware security and protection standards. Only persons authorized for business purposes and whose work requires it shall have access to personal information. Personal information will be stored by Les Solutions Enovert Inc. for a reasonable period of time as long as it is necessary or useful for the purposes set forth herein or for any other period of time required at law.

Users have the right to consult their file and to request any correction of inaccurate personal information collected and stored by Les Solutions Enovert Inc.


Users expressly consent to the communication of personal information collected pursuant to this notice to Les Solutions Enovert Inc. affiliates and related persons. Users consent to the communication of their personal information by Les Solutions Enovert Inc., its affiliates and related persons to current or future business partners. Any such communication will be conditional to the execution of a confidentiality agreement between Les Solutions Enovert Inc., its affiliates and related persons on the one part, and the current or future business partner on the other part.

Users also consent to the communication of personal information collected for any other purpose as provided in any legislation relating to the protection of personal information.


Les Solutions Enovert Inc. may use cookies containing non-personal information for, among other uses, personalise use of the website and to collect information about traffic on the website and its pages. Such information may be used by Les Solutions Enovert Inc. to improve user experience. Cookies are text files from some pages of the website that are stored on the user’s hard disk by the web browser. Cookies are harmless as they are incapable of extracting information from the hard disk. Users may block cookies by modifying the configuration of their browser.


If you have questions with regards to the present legal notice and confidentiality policy, access to personal information, the collection, use and communication of personal information or if you wish to remove your name from one or several of our contact lists or to update your personal information, please communicate with us.

Les Solutions Enovert Inc.

#564-3551 Saint-Charles Blvd.

Kirkland, Quebec H9H 3C4


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Install your charging station today -

Install your charging station today -

Install your charging station today -

Install your charging station today -

Install your charging station today -

Install your charging station today -

Install your charging station today -

Install your charging station today -

Install your charging station today -